Post (पद): Librarian
Essential Qualification and Experience: (अनिवार्य शैक्षिक आवश्यकता और अनुà¤à¤µ):
(i) A Master’s Degree in library science/information science/documentation science, with at
least 55% marks or an equivalent grade in point-scale, wherever grading system is followed.
(ii) At least ten years as a Librarian at any level in University Library or ten years of teaching as
Assistant/Associate Professor in Library Science or ten years’ experience as a College
(iii)Evidence of innovative library services, including the integration of ICT in a library.
(iv) A Ph.D Degree in library science/information science/documentation/archives and
(v) Self attested hard copy of the supporting documents as mentioned in the Assessment
Criteria format to be submitted.
Pay (वेतनमान): Level 14
Post (पद): Deputy Librarian (Through interview)
Essential Qualification and Experience: (अनिवार्य शैक्षिक आवश्यकता और अनुà¤à¤µ):
Essential Qualification and Experience: (अनिवार्य शैक्षिक आवश्यकता और अनुà¤à¤µ):
(i) A Master’s Degree in library science/information science/documentation science, with at
least 55% marks or an equivalent grade in point-scale, wherever grading system is followed.
(ii) Eight years experience as an Assistant University Librarian/College Librarian.
(iii)Evidence of innovative library services, including the integration of ICT in a library.
(iv)A Ph.D Degree in library science/information science/documentation/archives and
manuscript-keeping/computerization of library.
(v) Self attested hard copy of the supporting documents as mentioned in the Assessment
Criteria format to be submitted.
Pay (वेतनमान): Level 12
Last Date (आवेदन की अंतिम तारीख): 16.11.2020
How To Apply:
Interested candidates may apply online through the University website www.cus.ac.in on or
before 16.11.2020.
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