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Tuesday 23 March 2021

Vacancy of Librarian Selection Grade at AIIMS, Patna, Bihar I Last date: 05.05.2021

Vacancy of Chief Librarian at AIIMS, Patna, Bihar
AIIMS Patna invited applications in prescribed pro-forma from eligible Officers of Central/State Government/ U.T / Autonomous Bodies/Universities/Public Sector  Undertaking /R&D Organization/Police Departments of Central /  State / U.T/Armed Forces including Para Military Forces as applicable for filling up the following posts on Deputation Basis :
Post (पद): Librarian Selection Grade 
No. of Posts(रिक्तियों की संख्या): 01
Officers under the Central/State/U .T. Governments/Universities/Statutory, Autonomous Bodies or Research and Development Organisations holding analogous posts on regular basis with at least 5/8 years of regular service in the post in the scale of PB-3 with GP of Rs. 5400/-, PB-2 with GP of Rs. 4800/4600 prerevised respectively, or equivalent and possessing the following qualifications an experience:
(i) At least a second class Master's Degree in Science (preferably In Biological Sciences) of a recognised University or equivalent;
(ii) Degree or equivalent Diploma In Lib. Science of a recognised Institution or University; and
(iii) 7 years' experience In a supervisory capacity in a library of standing.
(i) Master's Degree in Library Science;
(ii) Training in Medical Librarianship;
(iii) Experience of documentation work in a responsible capacity;
(iv) Knowledge of Sanskrit and any modern European language other than English 
Pay (वेतनमान): Level-11 (Rs.67700-208700)
Last Date (आवेदन की अंतिम तारीख): 05.05.2021
How To Apply: 
The last date for posting of completed application in the prescribed proforma along with required documents through proper channel is 5th May 2021.

1. The officers who fulfill the above qualifications/eligibility criteria may submit their application in the prescribed proforma at Annexure-I through Proper channel to the Recruitment Cell, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Phulwarisharif, Patna-801507 through Speed Post/Registered post only. Application received through any other medium will not be accepted. No advance copy will be accepted.

2. The envelope containing the application(s) should be superscripted "Application for the Post of on Deputation Basis". While forwarding their applications, it may be ensured that the particulars of the candidates are verified and that they fulfil the eligibility conditions. Duly attested photocopies of their up to date Confidential Reports/ APAR (at least for the latest 05 years) to be enclosed with the applications duly attested by the Officer of the rank of Under Secretary to Government of India. It may also be clearly stated that no vigilance/disciplinary proceedings are pending or contemplated against the candidates concerned. Applications without Vigilance Clearance and attested copies of CR/APAR Dossiers will not be considered.

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